Apostle No. 44 (November 2016)

A visible sign of the fecundity of the work of the Society of Saint Pius X is the fact that wherever it goes, it builds chapels, churches, schools, retreat houses, convents, etc. This is somehow the whole history of the district of Asia.

His Lordship Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais has toured Japan and the Philippines for confirmation ceremonies.

♦ Editorial: "To rebuild the Church" - by Rev. Fr. Karl Stehlin

♦ Book Review - "Fatima, a spiritual light for our times"

♦ Japan Missions - Retreat and Bp. Tissier’s Visit

♦ Our Lady of Victories - De Maria Nunquam Satis!

♦ St. Bernard Novitiate - The Life of the Novitiate

♦ St. Joseph’s Priory - The Little Hard-Working Bees

♦ Tacloban Mission - The Care of Bodies and Souls

♦ Mary’s Mission Tour - 2000 Km Pilgrimage

♦ St. Pius X Priory - Priory Chronicle

♦ St. Francis Xavier Priory - Into the Home Stretch

♦ Priory of the Most Sacred Heart / Consoling Sisters - School Events