1517 - 1917: The revolt of Luther and the Bolshevik revolution in the light of Fatima

Publication of the Letter to Friends and Benefactors of the Society of St. Pius X - No. 88
In this Letter to Friends and Benefactors, No. 88, Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X, shows the profound link that unites the revolt of Luther and the revolution of October 1917: liberal laxity and state communism/socialism. "This principle aims to free men from dependence on God and the order established by him, both on the natural level and on the supernatural level". He recalls that the great anti-Christian persecutions carried out by the Communists had been announced by Our Lady at Fatima, and that she had given the supernatural remedy to all these evils.
Faced with the dramatic situation of the world and the Church, Bishop Fellay reaffirms: "We have no other line for the Society of St. Pius X, for you dear faithful, than to continue what has always been done by Holy Church, whatever happens....We take the means indicated by Heaven, with the certainty that we can not do better. "
Read the Letter to Friends and Benefactors of the Society of St. Pius X - No. 88