1st report on Chennai Flood Relief

Source: District of Asia

Tamil Nadu has seen the most rainfall in a century and Chennai was worse affected.

The imprudence of the local authorities meant that the rainfall alone was not to blame. When will man learn to think of the common good and not only himself?


In the wake of the disaster, Fr Stehlin asked the priory to provide aid for the victims.

Two expeditions were organized, the first, a reconnaissance team comprised of our elite faithful was sent to assess the situation in order to find out exactly what help was needed and where. They did an amazing job considering the entire city was suffering from lack of electricity and transportation and they themselves were affected by the flooding. They soon found that some of the parishioners on the outskirts were in need. These had been deprived of food and water for many days.

The second team negotiated with an NGO to obtain some emergency supplies including rice, water bottles, milk powder and blankets. Distribution is now under way.

In a few days the team will visit them to provide miraculous medals and rosaries. Our indefatigable Fr Stehlin has already visited them and was received kindly by  very many of them. He was asked to bless their homes, and Fr spent some time listening to their woes. He did his best to console them, reassuring them that men make mistakes but God does not. He asked them to renew their devotion to Our Lady and especially that of the Holy Rosary.

At the priory the orphan kids (boys and girls) have multiplied their prayers and will fast on the vigil of Christmas. May their prayers storm heaven and bring God's mercy upon them! I am sure that God will draw greater good from this evil, especially as Our Lord was homeless in this Christmas season! 

Please accept my devoted prayers and thank all the benefactors across the world, who have contributed generously to this cause. May they be richly blessed. 

I wish you all a merry Christmas,

Fr. Therasian Xavier