Appeal from a Foster-Father of 80 Children

“It is only by the virtue of charity that the body of your institution becomes one large family.”
More than food and clothing, orphans need love. They require the warmth of heartfelt kindness and the certitude that tomorrow brings a brighter day than the present one darkened by misfortune.
Love the little orphans “because the Church loves them dearly and will be grateful for the love you show them.”
-Pope Pius XII, AAS 1958, 361-364 Allocation for the Care of Orphans
The Dear Lord desires mothers and fathers not simply to have large families, but to educate their children and give them back to God as citizens of heaven. In His providence, God has sent eighty innocent souls to our care and protection. Each child is unique and possesses a defined purpose from God. We have been entrusted to educate and form these children – to instill in them a thirst for the things of God rather than the things of this world. This is a noble undertaking and our school, Veritas Academy, has been founded precisely for this purpose. Our school was established in 2006 and is run by the Society of Saint Pius X in conjunction with the Society of Servi Domini, a charity for the education of orphans and the care of the elderly. It is an integrally Catholic academy which means that it teaches traditional Catholic doctrine and seeks to develop the intellectual and moral virtues in its pupils for their natural and supernatural perfection, teaching the following subjects: Religion, English, Tamil, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History, Geography, Latin, Art, Sewing, and Music.
But we have a unique problem. In most schools, the expenses are defrayed by parents paying their children’s tuition. However, in our case, there are no mothers and fathers to bill. Thus, I have no one to petition for the upkeep of our Academy. That is why I (the proud Foster-Father of 80 children) would like to make a brief and humble appeal to your generosity. Your dollars go a long way here in India. Should you have the ability and the desire to promote a child’s Catholic education, consider sending us a donation. There is no amount too small. $50, $25, $10 – we are exceedingly grateful for anything.
Our present operating expenses are $75,000 USD a year. This covers everything from housing, food, travel, and maintenance of all 80 children. We appreciate our many loyal donors, but presently, we do not have the necessary funds to cover this year’s expenses.
Thank you a hundred-fold for considering a donation to our orphanage in India. May God reward you abundantly for your generosity.
St. Jerome Emiliani, patron saint of foster children, pray for us!
In Christo,
Fr. Therasian Xavier
“For Veritas Academy, India”
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