Calling all generous souls…
Over the past years, we have been graced with the presence of many volunteers from abroad. These young men and women had an internal desire to serve the Lord in a special way. They courageously left their homes to care for our children in India. Our "Foreign legion of charity” have become like siblings to our children.
We wish to thank them from the depths of our hearts. We ask God to bless them for their dedication, their sacrifice, and their example of goodness. We sincerely hope they take a piece of India with them as they return home to their country.
Before Jesus ascended into Heaven, he sent his disciples into the world. He told them: “The harvest is plenty, but the laborers are few…”
Little has changed! The world remains in dire need of Catholic laborers – especially in India. God is calling many today, but it is extremely difficult to hear His call amidst the noise of the world.
Do you feel called to be a missionary in India? If so, do not ignore His call. If you think you may be called, the best way to discern God’s will is speaking with your priest.
I will be honest: coming to India is a challenge. But those who have donated a year of their lives can attest there is no better life, no greater happiness than one given completely to the service of the Gospel.
There are many reasons to volunteer. Perhaps you want to feed your adventurous spirit, explore an unknown country, or experience an exotic culture! These are all good. But there is one reason more important than all of the above: to visit the orphans!
Consider these words in the Bible: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unspotted from this world.” (James 1:27)
- Teachers for Veritas Academy (Arts, Sciences or Music at all levels from ages 4 to 16) who can also be supervisors for female boarders.
- Supervisors of the orphan girls and carers of the elderly ladies at the orphanage.
- Teachers for Veritas Academy (Arts, Sciences or Music at all levels from ages 4 to 16) who can also be supervisors for male boarders.
- Helpers for priests in their apostolate (Sacristans, drivers...).
- are 21 years or older
- are morally upstanding and devout traditional Catholic
- are able to supervise children, 6 to 17 years old
- possess hardiness to cope with the food, mosquitoes, heat, and general chaos!
- have common sense & a good sense of humor
- are reliable and have a sense of duty
- are fluent in English
- have a letter of recommendation from a society priest.
If you are questioning whether to join the foreign missions, I urge you to GO and go quickly. Do not waste another minute of your time. The harvest is plenty and the laborers are few. Our children need you!
Come and see, an another miracle of grace!!!
God bless,
In Christo
Fr. Therasian Xavier,
Write to: [email protected]