Bp. Fellay: Video Interview about SSPX Marriages

Source: FSSPX News

In a new interview, Bishop Bernard Fellay answers questions regarding the recent Roman document concerning marriages celebrated by SSPX clergy.

...for years, a kind of jurisprudence has been established by the official Church, by Rome, which claims that our marriages would be invalid. Of course, we have enough elements in Canon Law to prove that is not the case. But nevertheless, people who want to break – if I may say so - their marriage have an easy door with this stipulation."

And so for years, I've tried to see with Rome what can be done to block this unjust, unreal situation."

On April 21, 2017, Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX) was in a visit at St. Mary's, Kansas for a ceremony of confirmations. He granted James Vogel, the Editor of Angelus Press, a 30-minute video interview.

Watch the Video Interview >

The main topic was the recent letter of Ludwig Cardinal Müller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), about marriages celebrated by SSPX clergy and published on April 4, 2017.

Bishop Fellay presents the context of this document and answers the questions about it. What do these new directives mean practically? What happens if bishops refuse to collaborate? Is this a step or toward a canonical regularization or a trap?

In the second part of the interview, Bishop Fellay comments on the growth of the Society worldwide, the preparation of the coming General Chapter of the SSPX, and he answers the accusations of those who claim the Society to have been too soft in its criticism of Amoris Laetitia.

I think it is important that people notice that we are no longer the only ones who complain, who denounce, who attack poor situations which are harming souls. It could be one of the reasons why, here and there, I would not talk immediately, letting their voice appear and not mixing mine with theirs. Because usually when we do that, they are disqualified because this tendency of disqualifying us in the modern Church is still very present. And so, letting their voice be heard, for the whole Church, is probably better. And everybody anyway knows what we think and what our positions are. It has not changed and everybody knows that."

We publish here the video interview and its full transcript.