The Church of the Iloilo Novitiate

“Brother, perhaps I can become a nun one day in this church … or, can I get married here?”.
Dear friends and Benefactors
Only a few weeks to Christmas, we wish you already, in advance, a most Holy and Blessed Christmas. Our humble gift to you are our prayers before the child Jesus, His Holy Mother and St. Joseph.
May we take the opportunity of making a Christmas appeal to your generosity? It is said that once the main construction is done, then the “real” costs start rolling in. The adornment of the inside seems as expensive as the construction!
Since the response to the patronage of the apostle statues were so over whelming, I was encouraged to present you the following which also needs patronising. As in the case of the apostles, the benefactors may request an engraved plaque with their names or with their prayer requests. You may also choose to donated for a few square meters of floor tiling, or a single door, or any part of anything listed below. In that case we will make a larger plaque with your name listed (if, of course you wish it so)

The ceiling high above (15meters) the sanctuary taking its shape …. No easy task to get it perfect !!
Here are the articles for patronage:
Two Angels (holy Water font) at the entrance: P45 000 each P90 000 for both (1000 U$ or 2000 U$)
Our Lady Statue over the entrance (already made – please see my last email to you): P25 000 (550U$)
St. Pius X for the side altar: P60 000 (1250 U$)
Main Floor tiling: estimated cost P210 000.00 (4400 U$)
Sanctuary and sacristy floor tiling estimated cost P340 000 (7000 U$)
Entrance steps and floor tiling estimated. cost P275 000.00 (5800 U$)
Doors (wood for the main “enormous” door has already been donated); the fabrication of this door and other doors: pure estimation: P80 000.00 (1700 U$)
Catechism Hall (Basement) floor tiling: estimated cost P100 000.00 (2000 U$)
Window framing and Glazing: Estimated cost: P250 000 or, roughly about P5000 per lower (smaller) windows, and 10 000 for the upper (larger) windows. (5200 U$ … 100 U$ …. 200 U$)
Truly I have no idea what the response to my request will be, but, in case we have another reaction like in the case of the apostle statues, I must simply add that it is a first come first serve principle. Donations can be made via paypal or through our bank account which you will find at
Again wishing you all a blessed Christmas, we thank you for your wonderful support, without which we could not build. Please do remember that the Brothers pray for your intentions.
Servus Mariae
Fr. Daniels