Consecration of the SSPX to St. Joseph

Source: District of Asia

A letter from the District Superior requesting that the act of consecration be renewed.


Please be so kind and renew the consecration of the SSPX to St. Joseph on the feast of St. Joseph.


If there is no Mass in a chapel on 19th March, you may renew the consecration the Sunday before or after.


In honore Sancti Josefi


Fr. Karl Stehlin 




Originally: 19th March 2013

O glorious Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Immaculate Virgin, Foster Father of the Son of God, appointed Head of the Holy Family and raised up as Heavenly Patron of the Universal Church;

Thou whose faith triumphed over doubt, whose justice was as great as thy chastity, whose obedience was the servant of thy wisdom, whose strength went hand in hand with thy prudence and whose magnanimity vied with thy humility;

Thou model of those devoted to labor, assurance of those in the midst of battle, terror of the demons unleashed against the work of the Redeemer;

Thou who didst employ all thy virtues in saving the God-man from grave perils, and who from on high dost protect His Mystical Body, subjected to the ever-renewed attacks of its enemies;

Cast thine eyes upon this little portion of the flock of Jesus Christ, which an inscrutable plan of God has raised up to safeguard the Catholic priesthood and the Catholic Faith.

Conscious of its nothingness and enlivened by a boundless confidence in thy powerful patronage, O Blessed Patriarch Joseph, the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X consecrates itself to thee, with all its members and all its undertakings, in order to magnify thy glories and thy virtues.

Deign in return, O most generous Steward of the King of Glory’s bounty, to grant to this little family the same benefits that thy paternity obtains for the entire Church: deign to make it thine own, to keep it faithful to its statutes, to make it live and propagate the Sacrifice of the Altar, to enrich it with spiritual life, to establish its members in the sanctity and chastity proper to their state, to strengthen it in its holy apostolic labors, to lead it in the combat for the Faith, to thwart the traps of the Enemy and to make it serve the interests of the Church.

Deign also, O our faithful Intercessor, to make of this humble legion of restorers a firm support for the Roman Pontiff in his mission to confirm his brothers in the clear and entire profession of Faith of St. Peter: Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God.

O thou who wast providentially placed at the side of Mary our Queen, grant that we, through thine irresistible intercession with Jesus, Sovereign Priest and King of Eternal Glory, may live and preach in all their most concrete consequences the divinity, the priesthood and the royalty of this same Jesus Christ, Who with the Father and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth, God, world without end. Amen.