Davao Priory: Scapular Mission

Source: District of Asia

Our scapular mission here in Davao was conducted in Purok Anahaw, Barangay Buhangin from 13-15 July 2020 every 4PM to 8PM. Preparations were done a week before the actual mission. We prepared for the catechism point, translated the materials, layout and printing and distribution of invitations, looked for venues and contact persons and made home visits to a sick person who received holy communion from Fr. Tim during one of his previous processions.

Within the three days mission, we gathered people and taught them basic catechism about the Blessed Trinity, the role of Mary as Mediatrix of Graces, and the importance of Mary's intercession, the power of the Rosary and Scapular..... 

Number of persons who attended the 3-day mission: 26 adults and 30 children.

Total number who passed the catechism examination and received brown scapular: 62.

Number who committed to the Scapular Pledge: 23.

Number of miraculous medals distributed (with proper catechism): 69.

Number who went to Confession: 6 or 7 adults and 10 children.

All those participants are not traditional people. They were the people who joined the procession of the BVM along the way when they saw Fr. Tim asking God for mercy.

After the scapular mission, during simple interviews with the people, we identified sick people who needed help with their medicines because they could not work due to the pandemic lockdown and therefore did not have the money to buy their medicines. Among the sick were a woman who suffered being bedridden after having a stroke.

Also, a man who had myasthenia gravis whose income as a construction worker could afford only a few tablets. Also, among the people who attended the catechism was a young man who suffered from seizures, who was advised by his neurologist to undergo EEG but for lack of money, he wasn't able to. When we were about to pack up and leave (on the third day of mission), one of the persons who attended the catechism came up to request a priest to bless and hear the confession of her sickly grandson.

The sickly grandson was showing signs of brain infection. I offered to assist him for diagnostic testing and medical consultation. They were rejected at the private hospitals due to the COVID 19 scare (which made them reject patients with fever). There were private hospitals which would accept but asked us to pay first 12,800+ pesos just for the COVID screening tests (excluding the normal fees for the check up by the doctor). Fortunately, we found one hospital that did some basic assessment (ECG, antipyretic injection, took the patient's medical history and gave initial diagnosis - UTI and bacterial meningitis) and referred the patient to the public hospital (considering the poverty of the patient and the inability to pay the expensive care at th private hospital.The patient had UTI for some time prior to our visit - but due to inability to pay for medical treatment, the UTI was left untreated. The patient was admitted to the hospital July 19.

Distribution of meds was done from 14-15 and 17 July 2020. Home visits to patients from 14 and 16 July. Before the scapular mission a home visit to the poor was also conducted last June 13 and 1st week of July.

Total number of patients given medicines: 11

Total bedridden patients: 2

Total number of patient admitted to hospital: 1

Currently, ate Yolly and some of those who help the patient for admission have to quarantine or stay in their respected places as they wait for the COVID 19 test result of the admitted patient.

