Girls Camp 2019

Source: District of Asia

The womanly training of the young girl, and often of the grown woman as well, is therefore a necessary prerequisite in her preparation for a life that is to be truly worthy of her. Evidently the ideal would be that such training should begin in infancy, in the intimacy of a Christian home and under the mother's influence. Unfortunately this is not always the case, nor is it always possible. Nevertheless the deficiency can be made good, at least partly, by ensuring that the girl be engaged in one of those occupations which constitute a sort of apprenticeship and training for the life to which she is destined. Our object is to make the child and girl of today the woman and mother of tomorrow. (Pope Pius XII)

Date: May 2-4, 2019

Where: Servi Domini Convent, Palayamkottai.

Ages: 8-16 Girls

Camp Chaplain: Fr. Therasian Babu SSPX

Director: Sr. Maria Immaculata

Deadline: April 28


 - [email protected]

 - (91) 759 875 9051

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