Go to Joseph

Joseph, the son of the patriarch Jacob, was the figure of St. Joseph, the son of another Jacob: "Jacob begot Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called The Christ" (Matt. 1:16).
What was truly said of the first Joseph, as to his future, and as to his goodness, his chastity, his patience, his wisdom, his influence with the king, his power over the people and his love for his brethren, is verified much more perfectly, even to this day, in the second Joseph.
Of old it was said to the needy and suffering people in the kingdom of Egypt: "Go to Joseph, and do all that he shall say to you" (Gen. 41:55). The same is now said by the Sovereign Pontiff to all needy and suffering people in the kingdom of the Church—"Go to Joseph."
If you labor for your bread; if you have a family to support; if your heart is searched by trials at home; if you are assailed by some importunate temptation; if your faith is sorely tested, and your hope seems lost in darkness and disappointment; if you have yet to learn to love and serve Jesus and Mary as you ought, Joseph, the head of the house, the husband of Mary, the nursing father of Jesus—Joseph is your model, your teacher and your father. Truly, in all things, St. Joseph is the people's friend. . . .
Go, then, to Joseph, and do all that he shall say to you.
Go to Joseph, and obey him as Jesus and Mary obeyed him.
Go to Joseph, and speak to him as they spoke to him.
Go to Joseph, and consult him as they consulted him.
Go to Joseph, and honor him as they honored him.
Go to Joseph, and be grateful to him as they were grateful to him.
Go to Joseph, and love him as they loved him, and as they love him still.
However much you love Joseph, your love will always fall short of the extraordinary love which Jesus and Mary bore to him. On the other hand, the love of Joseph necessarily leads us to Jesus and Mary. He was the first Christian to whom it was said, "Take the Child and His mother. . . ." This led a Father of the Church to say, "You will always find Jesus with Mary and Joseph."
1 - From Who Is Saint Joseph? (Baltimore: Josephite Press, 1950).