How Should a Catholic React?

Source: District of Asia

What should be the reaction of a Catholic to the blasphemous masquerade that served as the "opening ceremony"?

These acts are multiplying in increasingly serious ways. The danger would be to become accustomed to blasphemy by hearing it so often, and for our indignation to eventually diminish. We must maintain our indignation. There is compassion for the sinner, but not for the sin. It is the heart of Christianity – the Mass – that has been mixed with filth. God will bring justice for such scandals.

We must not retreat into ourselves in the face of such injustices. Let us protest, speak out about it, and confess our faith: we did not like this ceremony because of this blasphemy. Matthew 10:32-33: "Everyone who acknowledges Me before men, I will also acknowledge before My Father who is in Heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny before My Father who is in Heaven." Let us be proud of our faith. Let us not put our flag in our pocket.

We must make amends. Before being a disgrace to France, this scandal is first and foremost an offense to God. The Good Lord thirsts for our charity, for our love. Console Him especially through the Mass, which is the ultimate act of reparation. We bring our love transformed by the love of Our Lord Jesus Christ who offered Himself to atone for sin. Let us make efforts to commune with the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus Christ.

We tremble at the thought of these great figures who will arrive at God's Judgment with this blasphemy on their hands... If it is not the time for Jesus Christ to reign, it is not the time for governments to last (Cardinal Pie).

 Fr. Denis Puga FSSPX
