Militia Immaculatae - Worldwide Count

Source: District of Asia

10,335 Knights

In order to establish the world headquarters and a world secretariat for the Militia Immaculatae, Our General Superior asked me to furnish the exact number.

On 1 November 2015 the MILITIA IMMACULATAE (traditional observance) counts 10,335 knights:

USA 3605 (begin 2005)

Philippines 2297 (begin 2015)

France 2156 (begin 2002)

Poland 1066 (begin 2000)

India 594 (begin 2014)

Others Asia 264 (begin 2012)

Switzerland 175 (begin 2007)

Germany 158 (begin 2014)

Austria 20 (begin 2014)

(No update has yet been sent from the Baltic countries and others, where eventually the MI was established).

In February 2016 the first knights will be enrolled in the United Kingdom and afterwards hopefully in other countries.


Manila, 3 November 2015

Fr. Karl Stehlin