A new novice for the Reparation Sisters

The nuns, “the more illustrious part of Christ’s flock” (St. Ambrose) have within the Church a place and role all their own. In the last century, in the Apostolic Constitution Sponsa Christi, Pope Pius XII explained their role as it is shown in history and is apparent from the very nature of the “Contemplative Life.” Because the perfection of the Christian life to which the nuns aspire consists in charity, and the charity by which we love God above all things and all people in Him is one and the same, all nuns are called to perfect love of neighbour as well as perfect love of God. Their vocation, therefore, is totally and fully apostolic, hence, missionary.
Reparation Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as the very name suggests, perhaps do not run a school nor a university, but their entire life dedicated to make reparation for the sins committed against the Good Lord is a great apostolate itself. Firstly, their life, eloquent without words, is forever drawing the faithful to Christ and Grace upon this sinful world. Secondly, by prayer, the public prayer of the Divine Office offered seven times a day and the private recitation of Rosary three times a day which rises ceaselessly to God as a sweet odor for the conversation of sinners and for vocations. And lastly, by zeal in doing penance so that they may “fill up those things that are wanting of the sufferings of Christ, in my flesh, for his body, which is the Church.” (Colossians 124)
Fr. Anthony Xavier (+2008), inspired by the apparition of Our Lady at Fatima, gathered together pious young women who would consecrate themselves to prayer and penance. After his death, the indefatigable Rev. Fr. Daniel Couture, no doubt inspired by Our Lady, thought of transforming these young women into religious. After two years of formation under the masterful direction of Rev. Fr. Robert Brucciani, the Reparation Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary were canonically erected by Mgr. Alfonso de Galarreta on August 22nd, 2012. Their main apostolate as we mentioned already is prayer and penance and their statues are richly inspired by the message of Fatima!
«There are so many souls whom the Justice of God condemns for sins committed against me, that I have come to ask for reparation: sacrifice yourself for this intention and pray. » (Our Lady to Sr. Lucia).
Now, this call of Our Lady echoes throughout the world both in space and time. Just as Sr. Lucia responded positively, another soul stepped up to discern her vocation to fulfil the wish of Our Blessed Mother.
Sr. Maria Michaela of the Holy Eucharist (Miss. Mary Geeta Maniraj) received her habit on the Feast of the Queenship of Our Lady, May 2019. The Prior, who gave her the religious habit, reminded her that a novice who gives herself fully and sincerely to her duty will not fail to taste and appreciate the fruits of the religious life. By externally following the pattern set by the daily routine and the exercise of her rule, she will interiorly grow more mature and deeper, passing through the alternation of consolation and trials – which however leaves unimpaired her intimate union with God. And so, in spite of obstacles, within and without, despite shortcomings and weakness she will advance in her religious life, thanks to the divine help, till the hour unexpected at times when she is told: Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet Him (Mt 256)
Let me then recommend earnestly to your prayers that, Sr. Maria Michaela of the Holy Eucharist may persevere in her religious vocation and obtain the crown promised to her.
Fr. Therasian Xavier FSSPX