Procession of the Blessed Sacrament in the Streets of Manila

Source: District of Asia

Due to the pandemic Covid -19, all Catholic Churches in National Capital Region (Metro Manila) were ordered to be closed by the Bishops’ Conference until Easter Week. Something quite unprecedented. However, it is not a time for the churches to be closed but a time to be more proactive in urging the faithful to prayer and penance and inspiring others with a spirit of conversion. All these things are not possible without Our Lord or His priests.

What was performed in the past was usually processions were organized and the Holy Rosary and Litanies sung or recited. We can cite examples from Pope St. Gregory the Great and St. Charles Borromeo. Despite the restrictions of the quarantine imposed on the National Capital Region (Metro Manila) Our Lady of Victories in Quezon City was able to secure permission from the local Barangay Captain (community leader) who granted our request to have Eucharistic Procession in the surrounding area to implore Our Lord’s mercy for the people of the community. A very kind and long time faithful was able to secure the permission for us to have a procession every evening as long as there were only five participants with proper “social distancing”. The only request was that the processional route pass by the Barangay for the Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

A strange sense of awe to behold the usually busy streets that are filled with all sorts of vehicles and pedestrians, now completely empty save for the occasional passers-by. The streets completed deserted with some barricades to prevent “outsiders” from entering the Barangay the small procession was lead by our priests and brothers and our prior Fr. Wailliez carried the Blessed Sacrement through Barangay Mariana, or nicknamed the little Rome for the high concentration of religious houses in the area. All quiet except for the distant whine of karaoke being overpowered by the priest singing the Litany of Saints on the loud speaker. The Blessed Sacrament was greeted in proper fashion by some of our faithful who welcomed Our Lord by coming to the street and sinking to their knees.

Our Lord was greeted by about twelve of our faithful who were able to come for the evenings Mass. No where else in the Philippines was this made possible save for our other priory in Davao. We give thanks to Our Lord on this feast of the Annunciation for granting this privilege for our priory. And we will continue every day till we are delivered from this pestilence.

Several viewers have expressed the desire of making a donation in these days during which they cannot go to church and cannot contribute at collection for the church maintenance. Here is the link to our PayPal account. May St. Joseph bless you and reward you for your generosity.

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