Spiritual Exercises in India 2018

Source: District of Asia

“We may rightly conclude that a singular resource for the eternal salvation of souls is set in the Spiritual Exercises…” Pope Pius XI, Mens Nostra, 1929.

What: Five-day retreats (in English)

Why: These five full days are granted us in which we are occupied solely with the one necessary fact, commended by our Lord to Martha and in which we may choose most resolutely with Mary the “optimam partem”, that it may never be taken from us.  These five days we may pass solely with God, untouched by other concern, disturbed by no other care, mixed up in no-external business.  These are days in which we aim solely at this on point; that after we have courageously uprooted what leads us from God and what blinds our vision to heavenly things, we may first seek sincerely God’s good pleasure and secondly, may courageously follow it, aided by the divine help earnestly implored during the five days of retreat.  Thus, this five days are the most precious period of the year since, in accordance with our use of them, depends perhaps not only our eternal salvation or at least our greater or lesser eternal happiness, but also the fruit of our state in life.

When: For men (April 16-21) and for women (May 21-26)

Where: For men (Priory of the Most Sacred Heart)

For women (Servi Domini Convent)

Who: For men (Frs. Hattrup and Therasian)

For women (Frs. Loschi and Therasian)

Contact: Fr. Therasian Xavier