SSPX Priests’ Annual Meeting (February 5 – 7, 2019)

Source: District of Asia

The theme of this annual meeting was – “The treasure of the Mass and the Priesthood.” 

On Tuesday, 5 February, 9.30AM, Fr. Patrick Summers gave a short introduction and immediately, Fr. Timothy Pfeiffer started the conference on “The Mass in our Daily Meditation.” He recalled how Archbishop Lefebvre insisted on the contemplative aspect of Mass that gives a synthesis of our priestly life. At 11.00AM, Fr. Carlo Magno Saa reviewed the rubrics of the Mass of the Catechumens in a Low Mass based on the Ritus Servandus. In the afternoon, at 4.30PM, Fr. Aurelito Cacho gave a conference on Scrupulosity and insisted on obedience to one’s Confessor as the beginning of its cure. There was Holy Hour before the evening meal and after Compline, the Fathers and Brothers shared some drinks at the living room of the Priory.

The following day, 6 February, Wednesday, 9.00AM, Fr. Saa continued the Mass of the Faithful but covered only up to memento of the departed. Then, at 11.00AM, Fr. Benoit Wailliez discussed the rubrics on Music and Musical Instruments in the various types of Masses – Solemn, Sung and Low Mass. At 2.00PM, all the Priests and Brothers went to Manila cathedral and made a Holy Hour of Reparation at the Adoration Chapel. Coming back, at 5.30PM, Fr. Summers highlighted some points on how to deal with the Abuse of Minors.

On Thursday, 7 February, at 9.00AM Fr. Summers continued on the Abuse of Minors based on the new document from the General House. At 11.00AM, Fr. Demornex gave a conference on the administration of the District Funds and properties. This Priests’ Meeting was formally closed with Sext and lunch. Nonetheless, that afternoon, at 2.00PM, Frs. Summers and Wailliez together with all the resident priests of Manila had a meeting on the promotion of Our Lady of Victories Catholic School and possible vocations.