St. Bernard Novitiate: A Blessed Christmas

Source: District of Asia

Dear Friends and Benefactors,

The priests, brothers, postulants and pre-postulants, as well as the pre-seminarians of St. Bernard Novitiate, wish you a very holy and blessed Christmas. May the Christ child and His Holy Mother Mary, as well as St. Joseph, draw down upon you and your loved ones the blessing of Our Heavenly Father.

Some members of the Community before the façade, which as you see, has now the arches completed. The two niches remain at present empty. One would be for St. Michael the Archangel, patron of the brothers, and the other for St. Elizabeth of Hungary, the patron saint of the Iloilo diocese. Alas, the statues are half made … and then … the good artist was called by God. Requiescat in pace. Please pray for his soul. He made the statute in the middle, the Immaculate heart of Mary. His apprentices told me that they will be able to complete them.

May Our Lord and His Holy Mother bless and guide you always, especially in this holy year of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Once again … a BIG thank you for all you have done for us.

Servus Mariae

Fr. C. Daniels

St. Bernard Novitiate

Iloilo, Philippines