Three new Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart

O Jesus, I ask of Thee just one thing, and I desire it with great ardour: to live always in Thy Sacred Heart, guided and supported by the Immaculate Virgin.
Come Spouse of Christ, receive the crown that the Lord has prepared for thee from all eternity.
From left to right on the photograph:
- Sr. Maria Caterina of the Sacred Heart (Miss Bernadette Poisson of France and well-loved volunteer on our Indian Mission)
- Sr. Maria Chiara of the Most Holy Sacrament (Miss Euphrasie Soullier of France and equally well-loved volunteer on our Indian Mission)
- (Sr. Maria Rita, the newly appointed Mother General)
- Sr. Maria Veronica of the Holy Face (Magdalena Bissing of the U.S.A. and happy visitor to our Indian Mission)
In happy remembrance of their taking the religious habit of the Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on the Feast of the Sacred Heart, 12th June 2015, Albano, Laziale, Italy.
Please join us in offering happy prayers of thanks - beseeching heavenly graces upon their superiors, their families, friends and benefactors. These vocations are all the more beautiful and precious in a world pre-occupied with selfish rights, pleasure, unnatural freedom and independence from God.
We doubly rejoice because all three vocations have a link to our Indian Mission: Sr. Maria Caterina discerned her vocation while volunteering at the Consoling Sisters' orphanage in India; Sr. Maria Chiara chose the Consoiling Sisters as a result of her experience as volunteer at the orpahange and school; and Sr. Maria Veronica discovered the Consoling Sisters through reading all about them in the Apostle magazine.
Deo gratias thrice over.