In your charity, remember St. Bernard's Novitiate

Source: District of Asia

Dear Friends and Benefactors

It has been a long time, no, a very long time since we last wrote to you. We are still in existence and continuing our work at the formation of brothers in the religious life and the preparation of aspirants to the priesthood. Also, we have not forgotten you in our prayers, especially the daily rosary which, as you may know, is always offered for the intentions of our benefactors.

In the meantime, that is, last September 29th, another four novices made their first profession, or vows. Work, also, on our church, on the farm and inside the house is still always ongoing, as long as there are funds to support it.

I must confess that there is another reason why I send you this letter. We are now very very low in finances, not for big and beautiful renovations, but simply to be able to put food on the table everyday for the community. I leave the rest into your generous hearts and hands.

I know you like pictures, and so, below, you will find many that describe the goings-on at the Novitiate better than I can describe.

Before turning to the pictures, I would like to renew our deepest gratitude to all for the wonderful support you have shown us during these last years. May Our Lord and His Holy Mother bless and guide you always.

Feast of Sts. Fabian and Sebastian

20 January 2020

Servus Mariae

Fr. C. Daniels