In this Issue:
P 6: The Blessed Virgin Mary places Russia at the centre of world events in our time
P 8: Conversation of St. Maximilian with the Orthodox
P 9: St. Maximilian and Russia
P 16: Interview with the Rev. Father Karl Stehlin — Director of the M.I. and Superior of the Autonomous House of Eastern Europe (including Russia)
P 20: Interview with the Rev. Father Shane Pezzutti — the prior in Kaunas (Lithuania)
P 24: Girls’ summer camp about St. Maximilian
P 26: 18 new Knights in Australia
P 27: New Knights in East Europe and in South Africa
P 27: New Knights in Ireland
P 28: Establishment of the M.I. in Honduras
P 28: New Knights in Japan
P 29: Penitential Walk in Chennai (India)
P 30: Mary Victorious in all our battles
P 32: M.I. 2 for men and Schola in Trichy
P 33: The meeting in Sri Lanka
P 34: Pilgrimage to Quito 2019
P 35: About the Militia Immaculatæ