Knight of the Immaculata No. 17 July - September 2019


In this Issue:

P 6: St. Maximilian on the Religious Vocation

P 9: "Do you want to serve me?"

P 15: SSPX Seminaries

P 17: SSPX Brothers' Novitiates

P 18: Novitiates of the Oblates of the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X

P 21: SSPX Sisters' Novitiates

P 22: Noviciate of the Missionary Sisters of Jesus and Mary of Kenya

P 24: “Ave Maria” — a new section on the General House website

P 25: A fruitful visit to Russia for the M.I.

P 28: New Knights and M.I.'s Conferences in Poland

P 29: A new issue of "Triumph of the Immaculata"

P 30: Five new Knights in Great Britain

P 30: Over 445 new Knights in France

P 31: The M.I. in the Netherlands

P 32: M.I.'s Apostolate in South America

P 33: Prayers for Sri Lanka

P 34: The 3rd Annual Pilgrimage in Chennai (India)

P 35: About the Militia Immaculatæ