In this Issue:
P 6: St. Maximilian on the Holy Rosary
P 9: The Holy Rosary — the sword of each Knight
P 14: Rosaries March in Warsaw (Poland)
P 15: M.I.'s Retreat Days in Poland
P 16: The 2019 Fatima Conference in Warsaw
P 18: The Power and Fruits of the Most Holy Rosary
P 19: M.I. Corner at St. Thomas of Aquinas School
P 20: Visit of Fr. Director and new Knights in England
P 21: New Knights in Ireland
P 22: Renewal act of consecration in Germany
P 23: Visit to Niepokalanów
P 24: New Knights in South America
P 26: A pilgrimage in honour of the Nativity of the Immaculata
P 28: Director’s visit in Canada
P 32: Renewal ceremonies in the Philippines
P 33: New Knights in Asia
P 34: Places associated with St. Maximilian
P 35: About the Militia Immaculatæ