In this Issue:
P 6: My journey to Catholicism through the Immaculata
P 11: Heaven is my Homeland
P 18: The M.I. in France
P 20: The uninterrupted M.I. Apostolate in Poland
P 21: New Knights in Poland
P 21: The establishment of the M.I. 2 — Mary's Kraków
P 22: Work of the M.I. Headquarters
P 23: The M.I. Apostolate in Dublin
P 24: New Polish publications
P 26: Booklet “My Daily Bread” in Russian
P 27: Request to the Pope
P 28: The M.I. in GB & Scandinavia District
P 29: A special present from the M.I. Headquarters
P 30: Renewal act of Consecration in Davao
P 32: The M.I. Apostolate in Central America
P 34: The M.I. Apostolate in South America
P 35: About the Militia Immaculatæ