Knight of the Immaculata No. 24 April - June 2021


In this Issue:

P 6: You are hers

P 9: Our life with the Immaculata

P 16: May — the month of the Immaculata

P 17: What St. Maximilian wanted each of the Knights to do during May

P 18: About the Litany of Loreto

P 21: My knightly Apostolate (part I)

P 25: New Knights in Poland

P 26: Public prayer near your home

P 26: Scapulars of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

P 27: The M.I. 2 for youth

P 28: New Polish publications

P 30: New Knights in Ireland

P 30: Praying “platform”

P 32: Lenten Activities in Chennai (India)

P 33: Like an army in battle array (Part III)

P 35: About the Militia Immaculatæ