In this Issue:
P 6: St. Maximilian on a prayer
P 9: The Immaculata — the soul of prayer
P 16: The Purpose of the M.I. in the words of the Founder
P 18: Testimony of a Knight
— Through carelessness
P 20: The Apostolate of the Miraculous Medal
P 23: Apostolate of the Little Knights in Poland
P 24: Dedication of the statue on the Knight's farm
P 25: Growing number of Knights as a fruit of retreats
P 26: Preparations for the pilgrimage
P 27: Lent with the Knights of the Immaculata
P 28: M.I. Director's visit to Sweden
P 29: New superior of District of Great Britain and Scandinavia
P 30: The M.I. in Japan and South Korea
P 32: Continuing the M.I.’s apostolate in Peru
P 34: New Polish publications
P 35: About the Militia Immaculatæ