In this Issue:
P 7: Work for the conversion of sinners
P 12: Visit of the M.I. Director in Canada and 288 new Knights
P 14: First Marian Fair in Singapore
P 16: Pilgrimage to Akita in Japan
P 16: Celebrating Our Lady of Fatima in Chennai (India)
P 18: Mary's Mission Tour
P 19: Mary's Mission Apostolate
P 24: 2nd Polish Nationwide Congress of the M.I.
P 26: Magazine "Triumph of the Immaculata"
P 27: Knights in Lithuania
P 27: New Enrolments in District GB & Scandinavia
P 28: American Knights in the Homeland of St. Maximilian
P 30: Places associated with St. Maximilian
P 31: About the Militia Immaculata