Veritas Academy - India
Veritas Academy is a traditional Roman Catholic English Medium School which currently accepts boys and girls from Kindergarten to Standard 10.
Veritas Academy was established in 2006 and is run by the Society of Saint Pius X in conjunction with the Society of Servi Domini, a registered charity for the education of orphans and the care of the elderly. The Society of St. Pius X is an international organisation established for preservation of Catholic tradition. It runs a total of 49 schools in 14 different countries around the world. Veritas Acedmy has 67 pupils at present (2014).
Veritas Academy is integrally Catholic which means that it teaches traditional Catholic doctrine and seeks to develop the intellectual and moral virtues in its pupils for their natural and supernatural perfection.
Alongside formal religious education, Veritas Academy has a curriculum designed to prepare its pupils for the State Board Examinations at the end of Standard 10. Veritas offers the following subjects: Religion, English, Tamil, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History, Geography, Latin, Art, Sewing, Music,
From Kindergarten to Standard 6, classes are mixed. From Standard 7 and upwards, boys and girls are taught separately.
Our staff is truly international: English, French, American and of course Indian. They share the ethos of Veritas Academy and measure success not just by academic results but also by the ‘goodness’ of their pupils.
Veritas Academy is temporarily located in a school building next to the Magdalene School. The address is as follows:
870 Ester Karunai Illam
Quoide Millet Nagar, K.T.C. Nagar
Palayamkottai ,TN 627 011, INDIA
Admission fees are Rs 3000 per pupil. For day pupils, the fees are Rs 200 per month. For boarders, the fees are Rs 200 per month. There are 10 fee-paying months per year.
Veritas Academy is open to all children from families that share our ethos in principle and in practice in the home. The school is predominantly a day school but boarding for boys is available.
Parents interested in sending their children to Veritas Academy are invited to contact the correspondent at the address below. Application forms will be sent by post and an entrance exam will be arranged for prospective pupils. A visit to the school is encouraged.
For enquiries, please address correspondence to the following address:
The Correspondent
Priory of the Most Holy Trinity
8A/3 Seevalaperi Road
Annie Nagar
Palayamkottai TN 627002, INDIA
Tel:0462 258 6201
Email: [email protected]