
The SSPX also encourages and organizes groups of zealous men and women around specific apostolic goals. These groups engage in a wide variety of activities, ranging from care of the sick and feeding the poor to prayer crusades to public profession of the rights of God.

  • Archconfraternity of St. Stephen

    • The Archconfraternity of St Stephen is an International Organization of Altar Servers which was founded as the Society of Altar Servers at the Convent of the Sacred Heart in London in 1904 by Father Hamilton McDonald.
  • Bethany House

    • A work in favor of female vocations for religious communities in the Tradition.
  • Children of Mary Sodality - India

    • Palayamkottai, India
  • Legion of Mary

    • Praesidia at Manila, Jaro, Santa Barbara, Tanay, Baguio, Tacloban (Leyte), Maasin (Leyte), Bato (Leyte), Cebu, Bacolod, General Santos City, Cagayan de Oro, Butuan, all in the Philippines Praesidium at Trichy, India
  • Militia Immaculatae - Asia

    • The Militia Immaculatae, or Knights of the Immaculata, is a worldwide Marian movement for the conversion of non-Catholics and the sanctification of Catholics, under the patronage and through the mediation of the Immaculate Virgin.
  • Spiritual retreat

    • Vital to the development of a profound Catholic life are periods of quiet peace and reflection. Maybe we are seeking to overcome our dominant fault; maybe we are trying to discern God’s calling; maybe we are uncertain about an important decision; maybe we just need time to take a deep breath away from the hustle and bustle of daily life and contemplate the beautiful mysteries of our Faith. A retreat is the ideal solution. It is truly a life-changing experience!
    • Visit the website