Apostle No. 61 - Spring 2024

Dear Friends and Benefactors,
A newly ordained priest is a wonderful sight to behold and a joy to all who meet him. A priest who has arrived at 30 or more years in the priesthood is even more of a wonderful thing. Inside this edition of the Apostle, you can read about examples of both cases.
Besides newly ordained priests, here in the District of Asia we have several priests who have already reached this milestone of 30+ years of service in the Vineyard of the Lord. Let us continue to pray for these priests, both new and old, so that they might follow Our Lord more with each passing day.
One of the annual duties of the priest is to attend a retreat for the good of his soul. You can also read that this last summer, we were fortunate enough to host a 30-day Ignatian retreat for the priests and brothers at our Brother’s Novitiate in Iloilo. A great grace for all those who attended and the fruits are still being harvested to this day. Deo Gratias!
Of course, the priests are joined by the good works of the SSPX Brothers and Oblates here in the District of Asia. You can also read about the new Oblate novices and the big project to build a convent for the growing community of Our Lady of Sorrows Novitiate.
My dear readers, please continue your generous support of the many apostolic works here in Asia. We are eternally grateful for all your support in these humble works of God.
Be assured of our prayers for you all and please pray for us as well.
Thank you.
Click here to download the Apostle No. 61 - Spring 2024
In Jesus and Mary,
Fr. Patrick Summer
District Superior of Asia