Christ must reign!

Only Our Lord Jesus Christ can grant true and everlasting peace to men and nations. But this can only occur if they both recognize His divine authority and His Catholic Church.
The last Sunday of October is dedicated to Christ the King, Who should reign over both hearts and nations.
In honor of this important doctrine of the Faith and recognition of Jesus Christ's divine authority over mankind, during the next few days we will be offering some texts and further reading recommendations.
We must of course start with the full text of the 1928 encyclical of Pope Pius XI, which established the feast day: Quas Primas. This important papal document explains why the State must recognize the Social Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and thus that the Catholic Faith is the only true religion, and only true peace for nations—Pax Christi—can come from this acknowledgment.
In fact, it is this very point of social doctrine—denied by the error of Liberalism—that is at the epicenter of the post-conciliar crisis. So it should come as no surprise to learn that all of the Church's feast days, Archbishop Lefebvre considered that of Christ the King which most defined the struggle against Vatican II's modernist errors of religious liberty and ecumenism. With this in mind, we must of course suggest his book, They Have Uncrowned Him.
Here are a few more reading recommendations:
- A life for Christ the King: Archbishop Lefebvre
- Reflections on the Kingship of Christ
- Duties of the Catholic State
Finally, we must spiritually recommend devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus which is intimately tied to His Kingship, most specifically, the Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart, composed by Pope Leo XIII.
More materials about Christ the King will be posted to the site over the next few days, so stay tuned!