St. Bernard Noviitate Building Update
Work is progressing well at the new building site despite the occasional monsoon downpour, but significant funds are still needed.
Dear Friends and Benefactors
Here is a little update of our endeavours at the St. Bernard Novitiate, Iloilo, Philippines. Two years ago we began this project. The Novitiate has been obliged to offer the Holy Mass in a garage for 15 years already. We hope that this dearly needed church will be for the glory of God and His Holy Mother, and for the edification of our many religious brothers.
Below you may find the most recent aerial photo. We have finally arrived at floor level (the foundation is 6m below – because of the soft rice-field soil). The platform you see here is in readiness for the concrete pouring. Hardly had we finished when the rains came down incessantly. No pouring of concrete is possible. Of course, with so much water, we do fear that the wooden forms may suffer some damage. Well, it is all in the hands of St. Joseph. Please do not hesitate to look at our site where we try and give updates of construction and financial situation as much as possible.
May Our Lord and His Holy Mother with St. Joseph bless and guide you always.
Servus Mariae
Fr. C. Daniels