As 2017 is an extraordinary year, this latest issue of The Apostle presents you an extraordinary event taking place in our Asian District this year. The pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Fatima is currently being carried throughout the Philippines for a total distance of more than 2000 km.
♦ Editorial: Our Lady‟s Missionary Trip
by Rev. Fr. Karl Stehlin
♦ Fatima, a spiritual light for our times (II)
Book Review
♦ Padroado and Propaganda
Evangelization of the Missions
♦ Japan Missions
The True Story behind “Silence”
♦ St. Bernard Novitiate
The Life of the Novitiate
♦ Mary‟s Mission Tour
2000 Km Pilgrimage
♦ ACIM Medical Mission
Rosa Mystica Mission 2017
♦ St. Pius X Priory
Priory Chronicle
♦ St. Francis Xavier Priory
Our Lady of Guadalupe
♦ Priory of the Most Sacred Heart / Consoling Sisters
Visits of V.I. Priests