Spiritual catastrophes wound or kill souls. The scandalous pontificate of Pope John Paul II promotes the triumph of revolutionary ideas within the Church. The coming of Pope Benedict gives hope for a rectification of the situation, but the revival of Assisi will lead to indifferentism in everyday life. Therefore a third Rosary Crusade has been launched.
The sum total of events that the Society has encountered over the past 40 years is beyond all imagination. She has been punished because of her obedience to the faith and her fidelity to doctrine. Two points intimately linked should be underlined: The Kingship of Christ and the priesthood. There is a movement towards a return and the Society can offer an important contribution.
The pontificate of Benedict XVI shows on the one side a real movement towards Tradition and on the other side regrettable acts along the same line as Pope John Paul II. It is difficult to know what to expect in the upcoming years. After the second rosary crusade gathered nineteen million rosaries, we wish that the authorities will accomplish the famous consecration of Russia.
The Church since Fatima is in the process of being transformed into a pile of spiritual ruins and its demolition is carried out especially by subversion and infiltration. Since the Council the Church fell into step with the world. We clearly see that the message of Fatima has not come to an end. During this month of October the doctrinal discussions with Rome will start.
Rosary Crusades frees the Traditional Mass and the SSPX from the so-called excommunication. These acts of Pope Benedict XVI can be seen as a sign of good-will and as a step in the right direction although much still needs to be done in order to remedy the situation. A new Rosary Crusade of twelve million rosaries has been launched in order that Russia be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and that she will grant to the Church the grace of doctrinal fidelity.
Clarifying the ultimatum from Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos. In 2007 the traditional Mass is freed for all priests, but before the decree of excommunication is withdrawn, Cardinal Hoyos wants to impose conditions upon us. We launch a new Rosary Crusade to obtain the withdrawal of the decree of excommunication.
The Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum has acknowledged that the Traditional Mass was never abrogated, nevertheless there has been no fundamental change in the Church`s new doctrinal orientations which are at the source of the ever-deepening crisis. The Society launches a Rosary Crusade for the Church`s return to Tradition which would provide a solid basis for a possible future agreement.
With joy we receive the motu proprio of July 7th declaring that the traditional Mass was never abrogated. We see in it an answer from Heaven to our Rosary Crusade, not only because of its promulgation, but especially because of the extent of its overture towards the traditional liturgy. More than 5,000 priests worldwide have requested the training videos on the ceremonies of the Mass and the unanimous feedback is more than positive. What an increase of grace will occur for families and Society now that the traditional Mass may be freely celebrated.
Should a Motu Proprio grant the permission to celebrate the Tridentine Mass it would certainly be of great benefit to the Church. Nevertheless, we should not expect a drastic and rapid improvement but rather a more gradual one because of the circumstances in which this permission would be received. Let us pray an do penance in order that more and more souls benefit from assistance at the Tridentine Mass which gives more glory to God.
The Church has been in a crisis since Vatican II because the priesthood has been slighted. This is one of the fundamental elements of this crisis. One of the most decisive points for the Church’s restoration is and will be the priesthood. Of all the churchmen of the 20th century, Archbishop Lefebvre was probably the one who understood this most clearly.