Militia Immaculatae - Asia

What is the Militia Immaculatae?

The Militia Immaculatae, or Knights of the Immaculata, is a worldwide Marian movement for the conversion of non-Catholics and the sanctification of Catholics, under the patronage and through the mediation of the Immaculate Virgin.  It was founded by St. Maximilian Kolbe in 1917 as a transcendental movement to raise and include all Marian movements in response to the terrible forces arrayed against the Church in our times.

The Militia Immaculata has been chosen by the District Superior of Asia as a powerful instrument to sanctify the souls in his care and to raise up vocations for Holy Mother the Church. It is a goal of the District that every one of the faithful becomes a member of the Militia Immaculatae.

Original Statutes of the Militia Immaculatae  (by St. Maximilian)

“She will crush your head.” (Genesis 3:15).

“Thou alone hast vanquished all heresies throughout the world.” (from the Roman Breviary).

I. Goal of Membership:

  • To work for the conversion to God of all men, be they sinners, heretics, schismatics, Jews, etc., in particular the Masons; and that all become saints, under the patronage and through the mediation of the Immaculate Virgin.

II. Conditions of Membership:

  • To consecrate oneself entirely to the Immaculate Virgin, placing oneself freely as a docile and generousinstrument in Her hands.
  • To wear the Miraculous Medal.

III. Duties of Membership:

  • If possible, to pray the following ejaculatory prayer at least once a day: O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee, and for all those who do not have recourse to Thee, especially for the Masons and for all those who are commended to Thee. 
  • To use all other valid and legitimate means for the conversion and sanctification of men, according to one’s means, in the different states and conditions of life, as the occasions present themselves; this is entrusted to the zeal and prudence of each one. Particularly recommended, however, is spreading the Miraculous Medal.

    N.B. These means are recommended only as suggestions and not as an obligation; not one of them obliges under pain of sin, not even venial sin. Our principal motive is to help the greatest possible number of souls to be united with the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the mediation of the Immaculata.

Three Levels of Membership

The Militia Immaculatae is a universal and transcendant organization for all: “It is a movement which should attract the masses and snatch them away from Satan.”

It is an organization with levels of membership to incorporate an elite: “Once souls have been won over to the Immaculata, there will also be a few who can be led further to the very height of devotion, even to the point of heroism in the service of spreading the Kingdom of God through the Immaculata. All religious orders and congregations, all the movements in the Church can also belong to the M.I.  The different levels of membership will enable each member to give his best to the apostolate and so attain to Christian perfection.

It is necessary to understand the Militia Immaculatae as something transcendant; this means that it should not be viewed as just one organization among many others; rather, it ought to penetrate into the depths of all other organizations.”

M.I. Level 1

Envisaged by Maximilian Kolbe for every Catholic, it involves a minor consecration and reception of the Miraculous Medal M.I. Ceremony of Enrolment

AND, for Apostolic purposes, knowledge of a small 22 question mini-Marian catechism. M.I. Primer Catechism

M.I. Level 2

This is for M.I. members with greater commitment to an active apostolate which might be demonstrated by active membership of an organization of the Church Militant such as the Eucharistic Crusade, Legion of Mary, Apostles of Mary, Archconfraternity of St. Stephen, etc. OR, if other possibilities of common apostolate are opportune, they could be members of a circle of studies, a movement for students, a movement for lawyers, a movement for the suffering etc.  (c.f. Fr. Stehlin’s Letter No. 3)

M.I. Level 3

This is for M.I. members who have given their entire lives to God by a priestly, religious or lay vocation.


How To Become A Member

Initially, Fr. Stehlin will give a conference at every Mass Centre in the District of Asia to instruct the faithful and encourage them to join the Militia Immaculatae at Level 1. At the end of each conference, the faithful will be invited to enrol themselves by making an act of consecration. 

The priests of the District of Asia will then continue the work of recruiting, catechising and enroling new members through regular sermons, existing catechism training and regular enrolment ceremonies (M.I. Enrolement Guidlines). They will also start a training programme for existing members with a view to making them M.I. Fatima Apostles 2017....

Become a M.I. Fatima Apostles 2017 member!

An M.I. Fatima Apostle 2017 is a M.I. Level 2 member who has (a) undergone specific training and (b) has practiced a specific apostolate in order to prepare for the great 100th anniversary of Our Lady's apparitions at Fatima.

(a) Training:

  • 5 or more 1h20 training sessions based upon the Marian Manual No.1 (Marian Manual No.1) or Catechism of the Errors of Russia (currently in preparation).
  • 33 Day Consecration to Mary according to the method of St. Louis Marie Grignon de Monfort.

(b) Apostolate

  • recruitment of members for the M.I. by teaching the M.I. Primer Catechism
  • teaching Catechism to others,
  • organizing Catholic action such as Rosary processions and conferences,
  • or any approved work to spread the Faith or devotion to Mary.

The M.I. Fatima Apostles 2017 will then assist the priests in the work of recruiting and catechising new members.

Act of Consecration

O Immaculata, Queen of heaven and earth, refuge of sinners and our Mother most loveable, to whom God deigned to confide the whole order of mercy

I N.N., an unworthy sinner, prostrate myself at thy feet, 

Humbly begging thee if thou wouldst deign to take me wholly and entirely as thy property and possession and to use me, together with all the powers of my body and soul, my life, my death, my eternity, as pleases thee. 

Use the whole of me, if thou so willest, without any reservations, to fulfill that which is said of thee, “She has crushed all the heresies in the world”, so that in thy immaculate and loving hands I may become a useful instrument in engrafting and increasing thy Glory in so many straying and indifferent souls, and in this way to bring about the greatest extension, the blissful Kingship of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

For wherever thou enterest thou obtainest graces of conversion and sanctification. Through thy immaculate hands all graces from the Sweetest Heart of Jesus flow upon us.

Grant me the grace to praise thee, Lady most holy.

Grant me strength against my enemies.  Amen.

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