Militia Immaculatae - Asia - Letter No.1

Christmas Greetings: May the newborn Infant Jesus (SANTO NINO) fill your hearts with immense love towards HIS mother and ours, with docility to do always, what SHE desires.
Dear Knights of the Immaculata!
I wish you from all my heart the abundance of divine graces for the great feast of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ born from the Virgin Mary.
May the newborn Infant Jesus (SANTO NINO) fill your hearts with immense love towards HIS mother and ours, with docility to do always, what SHE desires.
This is the first letter adressed to you, Knights of the Immaculata. In this letter allow me to send you regularly the latest news about the Militia Immaculatae in Asia and the world, but also from time to time some texts to meditate about.
Furthermore, IF SOMEBODY OF YOU NEEDS PRAYERS, he may send his prayer intentions to me. I will forward them to all the knights of the Immaculata in Asia, and (if desired) in the whole world.
I am very thankful to HER, that the MILITIA IMMACULATAE exists now in Asia. Please pray for the new knights:
- 62 enrolled in our chapel in TUTICORIN, INDIA on the feast of the Immaculate Conception, the 8th December 2014,
- 61 enrolled in our priory in SINGAPORE on the forth Sunday of Advent, commemoration of Saint Thomas, the Apostle, the 21st December 2014.
Please be informed, that the MILITIA IMMACULATAE (Traditional Observance) has already some websites (also in the English language). Please take a look. You will find very beautiful articles and information:
- Militia Immaculata - Info
- (If you don't know the Polish language, please click the English flag).
With my priestly blessings, asking for your fervent prayers,
Yours thankfully,
Fr. Karl Stehlin
O Immaculata, Queen of heaven and earth, refuge of sinners and our Mother most loveable, to whom God deigned to confide the whole order of mercy
I N.N., an unworthy sinner, prostrate myself at Thy feet,
Humbly begging Thee if Thou wouldst deign to take me wholly and entirely as Thy property and possession and to use me, together with all the powers of my body and soul, my life, my death, my eternity, as pleases Thee.
Use the whole of me, if Thou so willest, without any reservations, to fulfill that which is said of Thee, “She has crushed all the heresies in the world”, so that in Thy immaculate and loving hands I may become a useful instrument in engrafting and increasing Thy Glory in so many straying and indifferent souls, and in this way to bring about the greatest extension, the blissful Kingship of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
For wherever Thou enterest Thou obtainest graces of conversion and sanctification. Through Thy immaculate hands all graces from the Sweetest Heart of Jesus flow upon us.
Grant me the grace to praise Thee, Lady most holy.
Grant me strength against my enemies. Amen.